Personalized Task Recommendation in Crowdsourcing Information Systems ââ” Current State of the Art

Tunio* , Luo** , Wang* , Zhao* , Gilal*** , and Shao*: Task Assignment Model for Crowdsourcing Software Development: TAM

Muhammad Zahid Tunio* , Haiyong Luo** , Cong Wang* , Fang Zhao* , Abdul Rehman Gilal*** and Wenhua Shao*

Chore Assignment Model for Crowdsourcing Software Development: TAM

Abstract: Selection of a suitable task from the extensively available big set of tasks is an intricate job for the developers in crowdsourcing software development (CSD). Also, it is also a tiring and a fourth dimension-consuming job for the platform to evaluate thousands of tasks submitted by developers. Previous studies stated that managerial and technical aspects have prime importance in bringing success for software development projects, however, these 2 aspects can be more than effective and conducive if combined with human being aspects. The chief purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual framework for task consignment model for future inquiry on the basis of personality types, that volition provide a basic structure for CSD workers to find suitable tasks and besides a platform to assign the job directly. This will also lucifer their personality and task. Considering personality is an internal forcefulness which whittles the beliefs of developers. Consequently, this enquiry presented a Job Assignment Model (TAM) from a developers point of view, moreover, it volition also provide an opportunity to the platform to assign a chore to CSD workers according to their personality types straight.

Keywords: Crowdsourced , Human being Factor , Personality Type , Software Development , Task Assignment

1. Introduction

Crowdsourcing has go an important factor for the quick development having the advantage of a brusk schedule due to the parallel and micro-tasking. Information technology also offers low cost based on the cognition of the crowd or "wisdom of the crowd". Crowdsource software development (CSD) is taken from the concept of crowdsourcing. It, commonly, uses an open up phone call online format to catch a large number of CSD workers to participate in different types of software projection tasks; for case, component evolution, designing, architecture, testing and debugging. Moreover, there are three types of models used in crowdsourcing software development: peer production, competition, and micro-tasking [one]. Many platforms are available to implement these models in dissimilar aspects of peer production open source projects like Linux, Apache, Firefox are used. Topcoder, Get a coder, Zhubajie, Utest, Guru, Freelance, Elance and Amazon Mechanical Constrict are few examples of competition and micro-tasking models, respectively.

CSD uses an open call format. This process involves three kinds of roles: requester (for the one the project is undertaken), platform (the service provider), and crowd-source developer (the person for coding and testing). Notwithstanding, this blazon of call format enables a big number of task accessibility and self-selection. On the platform, a number of developers tin can register and choose a task from available prepare. Once afterward the submission of the job from developers, the platform personnel has to evaluate the submission to decide on the best solution, from developers, to pay the rewards. Mao et al. [ii,3] state that selection of a task from the extensive big set of tasks is a very hectic work for the programmer. Besides, it is also a tiring and a fourth dimension-consuming job for the platform to evaluate thousands of submitted tasks from developers. In the aforementioned view, Chilton et al. [4] and Aldhahri et al. [5] too mentioned that matching of their proper job to improper crowdsourcing software developer may not but decrease the quality of the software deliverables, but it causes overburden on both platform and developers. They further mentioned that most workers view a minimum amount of recent tasks which are posted on the crowdsourcing platform because the task is posted in hundreds. By considering the low level of skills and expertise level of the crowdsource software developers, unrealistic matching of CSD worker and the job may affect the software quality. LaToza and Van der Hoek [half dozen] mentioned in his research that matching of workers with their expertise and knowledge and how we can benefit from the CSD worker is an upshot. Geiger and Schader [7] described that by matching with extrinsic and intrinsic choice of the CSD worker, it is a fundamental self-identification principle for private contributors to select those tasks which are the best match with their personal preferences. They further illustrated that for the CSD worker, it is a very important cistron to comply with the choice and individuals' capabilities with the respective chore requirements. Dang et al. [viii] depicted that, for one task, there is a large number of CSD workers for participation and submission. Therefore, selection of a final submission is a hectic job for them. They further stated that every CSD worker is not qualified enough to give the best solution considering of different hardware and software skills. In addition, CSD may have malicious workers in crowdsourcing platform for submitting tasks [ix,10]. Therefore, nowadays finding a quality worker is a challenging job for the CSD model [11]. Machado et al. [12] stated that CSD model is very complex as information technology deals with technological, economical besides as personal issues. Therefore, it is very important to select appropriate worker amongst the large prepare of CSD workers. They further discussed that to assign a right chore to the right CSD worker at a right time is indispensable and challenging for the crowdsourcing platform for their success. Moreover, Fu et al. [13] besides stated that the selection of suitable CSD workers is extremely tiring and fourth dimension-consuming task for the platform. An appropriate CSD task-worker will be benign for the platform to participate but as well to perform the task with the best involvement and better quality.

According to Tomayko and Hazzan [fourteen], the central complexities pertinent to the development of software are concerned with man aspects from their social and cognitive bespeak of view. Thus, human aspects should exist overemphasized to cope up with the challenges while developing projects under the umbrella of software technology. Though both technological and managerial aspects too have prime number importance to bring success for software development projects, all the same these two aspects can be more than constructive and conducive if combined together with human aspects. The combination of all three aspects tin resolve challenges related to software development.

The aim of this study is to nowadays a conceptual framework for task assignment model for future enquiry on the basis of personality types. This will give a right path for CSD workers to find suitable tasks and also a platform to assign the job directly to the CSD workers which match with the personality and tasks. Since, personality is an internal force which carves the behavior of developers. Therefore, personality behavior can lead the model for suggesting or shortlisting the task ready for developers. Therefore, this model can create a path to bring suitable developing personnel. It tin can also assistance the platform to select from limited tasks to evaluate. Based on the authors' knowledge, in that location is not a unmarried research study available which has merged personality types with crowdsourcing software development.

2. Related Work

Mao et al. [2] employed the content-based technique to recommend developers for CSD tasks. This arroyo learns from historical job registration and winner records automatically that lucifer tasks and developers. Snow et al. [15] proposed bias correction in crowd data in the form of modeling. They used a gold standard data gear up to gauge the CSD workers' model accuracy. However, this method is used in micro-tasking. Ambati et al. [16] used an implicit modeling based on skills and interest of CSD workers to recommend the classification based task. Yuen et al. [17] proposed an approach based on job matching to motivate CSD workers to perform task continually and in long run. This approach has focused on the recommendation of the tasks matching best with the workers. From this approach, we got inspired and motivated, therefore, volition provide a new approach to the task matching problem for the all-time possible solution based on personality types that will be a novel approach. Sheng et al. [eighteen] stated that, for a job matching, labeling is used as a technique simply it also evident sure limitations. Liu et al. [19], Whitehill et al. [xx], and Raykar et al. [21] used EM algorithm and Answer matrix to calculate the accuracy and mapping the quality of the CSD worker. Conclusion of single labeling is focused on these studies [22-25]. Co-ordinate to the writer in the paper [thirteen], by ignoring the chore requirements and the human relationship between CSD workers' skills these approaches may get undesired results. Therefore, a new arroyo is needed to chronicle the soft skills with the hard skills of the CSD workers.

In gild to avert the risks of giving the task to the improper personality types of CSD, Capretz and Ahmed [26] have proposed a suitable model. According to this model, they suggested that tasks assigned to developers must be based on their suitable personality types. For example, the personality of a programmer should be Introvert (I), the personality of organization analyst should be Extrovert (E) the tester has a sensing (S) and Thinking (T) personality. The software designer should be with intuitive (N) and think (T) personality. However, due to its non-empirical nature of the model, the effectiveness of this model is hard to test. Hence, in CSD, we aim to propose an approach for assigning the task to the developers: testers, debugger, and coders according to their personality types. Because the personality types of the developer are ane of the of import homo aspects to ensure quality for software tasks. It has as well been confirmed that a technical sound individual cannot perform satisfactorily unless he/she is assigned development tasks based on their personality types. This raises new challenges for crowdsourcing tasks and it requires an in-depth understanding of matching of workers and their characteristics related to their work [27]. An individual performance in software development has corelation and has direct interaction with the personality of CSD workers [28]. Capretz et al. [29] mentioned that assigning the task to the specific personality in software evolution is best suited for their traits to increase the successful effect of the tasks.

Hence to integrate the CSD with the programmer's personality and their interrelationship is required. This surface area of research is yet to be discovered and needs more work to be washed. Current CSD Model

The current model of CSD is working on open call format. As shown in Fig. 1, initially the requester has requested to the platform for solving their trouble, secondly the platform has sorted out issues and made in micro-tasking then the tasks are posted on the platform. Here the role of requester has been completed and platform role has to begin now the CSD developers have to be registered for themselves to participate in the various tasks. They are required to submit their solutions to the platform and the platform has to review the submission. Afterward reviewing the submissions, platform decides that the submission was according to their criteria or non. Moreover, developers also have the right of appeal against the rejection of their submission. In the end, the reward is given to the winner of submission.

Fig. 1.

Crowdsourced software development process.


3. Proposed Model for CSD

The proposed arroyo will piece of work the aforementioned as the open up call format. Merely, the proposed chore consignment CSD model includes the personality based categorization and choice of task (see Fig. ii). Once later the requester prepared a request for the chore, the platform shortlists the posts of tasks for competition based on personality types. In this instance, the registration of programmer requires the personality measurement test to know the type of personality of developers. Meanwhile, this proposal also suggests that the task should also exist included with a specific explanation which can be used to ascertain the required traits of personality for the task. For instance, the social networking based tasks may require a developer with the extrovert trait. Since the extrovert developer can understand and piece of work on the chore with interest as they involve themselves in social activities. Hence, the task will be direct available for the developers if the developers are already registered with the platform along with their personality types (Myer Briggs Type Indicator [MBTI]). The classification of individual personality types are classified on the MBTI test which follows with the combination of four-dimensional pairs, as shown in Table 1, and from that four combinations, there are sixteen possible personality combinations which are shown in Table 2. To evaluate a personality of the CSD worker, this study, will apply MBTI personality type every bit an instrument as this instrument is widely used in the research of software applied science [30-35].

Table 1.

Four dimensions of MBTI personality

(Due east) Extroversion (I) Introversion
(S) Sensing (N) Intuition
(F) Feeling (T) Thinking
(P) Perceiving (J) Judging

Table 2.

MBTI 16 personality types with pair of 4 each


3.ane The Detailed Process of Proposed Model

(ane) When requester plans to post a task, the categories of the task should exist predefined on the CSD platform. When any job is submitted past a requester, the task volition exist placed in the gear up of categorized task (for example, developing, debugging, and testing). When the requester wants to publish the job on a CSD platform, the requester also has the clarification of tasks. For example, the category of the task removes a problems from the code in Python is categorized every bit shown in Table iii.

Table 3.

Job categories and personality blazon

Task clarification To remove a bug from a lawmaking for a designing program
Category of job Designing/debugging
Personality type ENFJ (Python), ISTJ (Java)

(2) The CSD platform has a database of a CSD worker who has already registered and participated. The CSD worker participation record has been kept in the database, based on choosing a preference and task submission along with personality types (Hither we assume that the platform has already registered participants along with personality type). All the same, when platforms mail tasks according to the categories of the tasks and a new CSD worker, wants to participate, they also take the option to choose the task according to their preferred personality types. If they are not registered before, they accept the selection to annals themselves and submit the solutions. The task selection choice is calculated on basis of the information of the workers and the chore which is selected previously. The information consists of the category of job, rewards and personality blazon.

(3) When logging on to the CSD platform, the list of tasks is available for the CSD worker that match all-time with his personality and chore matching. From that list, a CSD worker volition select his preferred chore to work on. Every bit we have discussed above that near of the workers just browsed the few tasks when searching tasks.

(4) The listing of tasks available for the CSD worker on the platform will exist of keen importance to concenter a large number of CSD workers to match their task with their preferred personality type and interesting category of tasks easily and quickly.

Mathematically we tin can ascertain the proposed model every bit:

Let T = {t1, t2, …} is a set of tasks and W = {w1, w2, …} is a set of CSD workers, and P = {p1, p2, …} is a prepare of personality types. We tin can represent the personality type which is required for a task t by a node Personality(t) ∈ P, and the set of personalities of the CSD worker w by Personality(w) ∈ P. by assigning a set up of tasks and CSD workers, a task assignment set up U is a mapping from T to west which will mapped task t ∈ T to U(t) = west ∈ W. The best situation is to map a task with required personality P to a worker with his exact personality type.

Fig. two displays the proposed model based on personality.

Fig. 2.

Proposed model of crowdsourcing software development.


4. Contribution

The contribution of this study will be taken into account from many ways. Firstly, this study would do good and suggest CSD platform to classify the tasks, for both platform and developers, on personality based types. Secondly, the results emanating from this study will non only assist the CSD merely information technology volition also ensure the satisfaction of CSD workers for choosing the task co-ordinate to their personality types. This plays a primal role for workers in the selection of a suitable task and it has a correlation with the quality of the results. Thirdly, the results of this inquiry will produce a Chore Assignment Model (TAM) for CSD not just from CSD workers' bespeak of view but it will also provide an opportunity for the platform to assign or shortlist the tasks to CSD worker co-ordinate to their personality types directly. This will exist very helpful in saving the time spending on searching on the platform for their preferred chore. Moreover, it volition likewise requite enormous relief to the platform to reduce their burden for analyzing the thousands of daily submissions by CSD workers.

5. Conclusions

The focus of this newspaper is to propose a model in the CSD domain for task assignment on the basis of developers' personality. This model will assist developers for finding suitable tasks and also the platform to assign the task directly to the CSD workers that match with the personality and task. This will assistance the developers to choose or annals for those tasks that are suitable for them according to their personality type. It likewise facilitates the platform to assign a task to the suitable developer based on the developers' personality type. This approach will provide a path to the quality evolution with less try. In future, we want to design an algorithm based on this model and some experiments on platform data to validate our model for its functionality and generalization.


This work was supported in part past the National Key Research and Development Program (No. 2016-YFB-0502004), the National Natural science foundation of China (No. 61374214), and the Open Project of the Beijing Fundamental Laboratory of Mobile Computing and Pervasive Devices.


Muhammad Zahid Tunio


He received his B.Due east. in Computer Systems Engineering and Masters of Engineering in Information Applied science from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan, in 2000 and 2010, respectively. He has 15 years experience in teaching at graduate and Post graduate level. currently, he is a Ph.D. scholar at School of Software Applied science, Beijing University of Mail service and Telecommunication, Red china. He is also Assistant Profesor in Department of Reckoner Systems Applied science at Dawood University of Applied science and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan. His research interests are crowdsource software evolution, pervasive devices, and mobile calculating.


Haiyong Luo


He received the B.S. caste in the Department of Electronics and Information Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, People's republic of china in 1989, M.S. degree in Schoolhouse of Information and Communication Engineering from the Beijing Academy of Posts and Telecommunication, China in 2002, and Ph.D. caste in Computer science from the University of Chinese University of Sciences, Beijing, Mainland china in 2008. Currently, he is Associate Professor at the Institute of Computer Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science (ICT-CAS) Communist china. His main research interests are location-based services, pervasive computing, mobile computing, and the Cyberspace of Things.


Cong Wang


She received the Ph.D. degree in Control Theory and Engineering from the University of Scientific discipline Engineering, Beijing, Prc in 2002. She was the Vice Director in charge of design recognition and intelligent systems between 2002 and 2011 with the Intelligent Science and Engineering Research Eye, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Currently, she is a Professor with the Schoolhouse of Software Engineering, Beijing Academy of Post and Telecommunications. She is also the vice director of the Fundamental Laboratory of Trustworthy Distributed Computing and Services, Ministry of Educational activity. Her research interests include control theory, Internet of Things, and industrial systems applied science.


Fang Zhao


She received the B.Due south. degree in the Schoolhouse of Computer Scientific discipline and Technology from Huazhong University of Scientific discipline and Applied science, Wuhan, China in 1990, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science and Technology from Beijing Academy of Posts and Telecommunication, Beijing, China in 2004 and 2009, respectively. She is currently Professor in School of Software Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication. Her research interests include mobile computing, location-based services, and computer networks.


Abdul Rehman Gilal


He is a faculty member of Figurer Science department at Sukkur IBA University, Islamic republic of pakistan. He has earned a Ph.D. in It from Academy Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Malaysia. He has been researching in the field of software project direction for finding the effective methods of composing software development teams. Based on his research publication track record, he has contributed in the areas of the human factor in software development, complex networks, databases and information mining, programming and deject computing.


Wenhua Shao


He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. caste with the School of Software Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. His, current main interests include location-based services, pervasive computing, and convolution neural networks and machine learning.


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